Or how to savor the little things in life
Or how to enjoy life more
I have always been the kind of person to romanticize everything. Yes, I’m the girl who is pulling over to pick flowers on the side of the road, baking while listening to dramatic movie scores, or laying in the grass on a sunny day. I love to enjoy the little things because they are what make up most of our time. For me, the winter can be a more challenging time to enjoy because I am naturally prone to seasonal depression. If you have been feeling the winter blues, or feel like every day is becoming the same and you’re going through the motions, here are a few of my best tips to romanticize your life.
If you feel like romanticizing your life is really difficult, or you can’t enjoy anything, there might be something deeper at play. Take a look within and ask yourself why everything feels so difficult or impossible. Romanticizing your life is all about looking on the bright side and while everyone has different circumstances and struggles, remember there is always beauty and light to be found if you look for it.
Stop and smell the roses,
My husband certainly makes fun of me, but I love to make stops wherever I go. Whether it’s picking wildflowers on the side of the road, or pulling over for a farmer’s or art market, stopping to enjoy the journey adds so much joy and adventure to all my days.
Be present
Focus on one thing at a time. Instead of trying to watch TV while checking your phone and hanging out with friends, focusing on one task at a time will greatly enhance your experiences. I like to think about making dinner alone: I used to watch or listen to something while making dinner, but now I like to turn everything off and be in the moment. Enjoying the experience of chopping, sauteing, and creating has been very meditative for me.
Get off screens
There is nothing romantic about scrolling Instagram for an hour or binge-watching a show you’ve seen 4 times. There is no easy way to say that spending too much time in front of a screen is only going to make you feel more drained and anxious. Try to reduce screen time by adding timers to your favorite apps or better yet, leave your phone in another room or at home sometimes.
Look up
Even if you are clumsy and trying not to trip (like me), looking up and out is a great way to enjoy the small things in life. When you find yourself walking or a riding as a passenger, look up and notice the world around you. It’s so obvious it sounds silly to say but most people do not take the time to observe the world around them and life passes them by very quickly.
Set the mood
One of the simplest ways to romanticize your life is to set the mood for whatever task is in front of you. You might think that your environment or the way you dress does not affect your mood, but try changing things around and you will likely see that it does. In order to romanticize my life, I love to set the mood with a clean home, music, candles, blankets, and much more.
For example:
If I need to clean my bathroom, I will light all my favorite candles, put on my cleaning gloves, gather all my cleaning supplies in a bucket, and go to town.
If I need to finish a knitting project, I will put on a favorite comfort movie (like Little Women, 1994), turn on lamps with warm light, cozy up under a blanket, and enjoy.
Do something with your hands
Using your hands is a great way to romanticize your life. Physical practices can help you to be more present and in the moment, regardless of what you are doing. Instead of spending free time watching YouTube, try a more physical activity such as baking, gardening, crafting, or sewing. As you do these activities, you can focus on your breathing or listen to soothing music. With my hands, I enjoy baking sourdough, knitting, fermenting and playing music.
Elevate your, hobbies, chores, or work
Another way to romanticize your life is by elevating the tasks you do every day. If you need to run errands, why not dress up to do them? While washing dishes, try donning a lovely apron, and fixing some tea as a reward. Sometimes when I have a lot of work to get done, I will buy myself a foamy cappuccino and set up at my favorite local coffee shop. By adding in small pleasures to taste you must complete, your life will feel that much more romantic.
Live Seasonally
Seasonal living is such a wonderful way to be in the moment and enjoy the passage of time. The seasons are always changing regardless of what we do, so why don’t we try to embrace these changes and evolve with the environment around us?
What is season living? Below is how I describe it in my blog about seasonal living:
“Living seasonally is a lifestyle and a mindset. The concept of seasonal living has so many facets such as: eating foods that are in season, participating in seasonal activities, celebrating holidays and festivals in season, and so much more. Seasonal Living is flowing with the rhythms of the year instead of fighting them. It has taken a while for me to realize that the changing of the seasons is a constant and resisting this change will only make my life more difficult. In past winters, I would complain about the weather, focus on what activities I couldn’t do, or wallow in how lonely or bored I felt during the long dark evenings. Instead, I am focusing on what I can do to embrace each season (of the year and the metaphorical “seasons of life”) in order to be more in balance with nature and myself. I have compiled a list of ways that I am going to enjoy a cozy and seasonal winter”
Ways to live seasonally:
- Cook and bake with ingredients that are currently in season
- Celebrate whatever holidays or feast days are currently happening this season. This can be as simple as researching cultural or religious traditions for the current season
- Enjoy the outdoors as the seasons change such as water activities in the summer, hiking in the fall, snow or ice activities in the winter, and gardening in the spring
- Host seasonal parties:
- Grill night
- Cold weather bonfire and s’mores
- Knitting circle around the fire
- Seed swap
- Visit your local farmers market or join a CSA to see firsthand what is in season
Here are a few more ways to romanticize your life:
- Buy yourself flowers
- Go on a leisurely walk alone
- Dress up to read in the park
- Stop at a local pub after work and order your favorite drink
- Light the candles you’ve been saving for a special occasion
- Drink sparkling water from a wine glass as you make dinner
- Snuggle up on a cold night with a blanket, tea, and a good book
- Plan a special date on an otherwise ordinary day
- Learn to take care of a house plant
- Surprise a friend on a rainy day
- Lay in the sun on a warm spring afternoon
- Read as you wait for an appointment instead of looking at your phone
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