Mix flour, starter, water and autolyse for 30 minutes
Using stand mixer dough hook, knead the dough while slowly adding salt, honey and softened butter, one table spoon at a time. When all the the butter is mixed in, knead for a little while longer until the dough passes the window pane test and is very smooth and glossy
For the next 30 minutes, stretch and fold the dough every 15 minutes
For the next 2 hours, stretch and fold the dough every 30 minutes
Allow the dough to rise for 2-3 hours, or until doubled in size
Now it is time to shape the dough→ turn it out and divide into 8-12 equal pieces. You can decide based on how large you want your rolls to be and how much space you have for them in our baker. I use a 9x13 stone baker for this recipe and ended up with 12 rolls
Grease your baking dish with a layer of butter
Without using any flour, shape each piece into a tight ball, being careful not to de-gas the dough -> keep your hands wet to avoid sticking
Place each ball in the baker in rows, I like to do 3 to a row
Cover the rolls and place in the fridge for 8-48 hours
When you are ready to bake, bring the rolls to room temperature on the counter
The rolls will slowly rise. After a few hours the rolls should be puffy and almost doubled in size from when they were shaped
Preheat the oven to 350 F → bake rolls uncovered for 30 minutes
When the rolls are done they should be puffy and golden
Sometimes I like to broil the rolls for a few minutes at the end for additional color and flavor!
Brush each roll with softened butter as soon as they come out of the oven
Let rest for at least 30 minutes before serving